Do you have a media project and are looking for original music, or are you a composer looking to build your portfolio and showcase your skills?
Find a Competition
Look at the current competitions and choose the one you want to participate in
Fill Out the Participant Form
Once you chose the competition you like, press the button below to explain who you are and what competition you are registering for
When you receive our confirmation through email, you can start! Create a piece that fits all of the guidelines, wishes and deadlines
Submit and Pitch
Once the deadlines for submissions pass and you send your composition to our email, all participants will present their work, explain the idea behind it, and pitch why their music should be chosen
Participant Form
Fill Out the Request Form
Explain who you are, what your project is about, the type of music you are looking for, set deadlines, determine the rate of commission you will pay the winning composer, and provide any other details
Host the Competition
Once we contact you and the competition is announced, composers will write original music. After all the deadlines of submissions pass, composers pitch the idea behind their work and why they think it would be a perfect fit for your project
Find the Right Sound & Work with the Winner
Based on all this information, you choose the winning composer. The winner gets the chance to sign a contract with you that he will write music for your project. This is where the budgeting comes in — after the music is done, you pay the composer the amount you stated at the start of the competition, and Composium receives a 20% commission fee
Request Form
LMU Online Composition Festival "New Music on the Bluff 21"
High school and two-year college composers are invited to submit scores for performance at an online composition festival, New Music on the Bluff 21, at Loyola Marymount University. The eight selected finalists will receive performances of their pieces on April 17th, 2021, will meet on Zoom with a faculty composer for an individual private lesson, and will participate in master classes with festival faculty. Works can be scored for violin and piano, a selection of solo instruments, or can be fixed media electroacoustic or electronic pieces in any style.
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